Unfolding the universe of possibilities..

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Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier

A complete worked example for text-review classification Continue reading on Towards Data Science »

Turn Yourself into a 3D Gaussian Splat

A Hands-on Guide for Practitioners Last summer a non-deep learning method for novel view synthesis has entered the game: 3D Gaussian splattig. It is a method to represent a scene in 3D and to render images in real-time from any

Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery using k-Means

From scratch in python🐍 Image by author. One of the most simple and genius ML models, in my opinion, is k-Means clustering. It relates to the group of unsupervised learning algorithms and is capable of finding patterns inside an unlabeled dataset. The

How to Use Elastic Net Regression

Cast a flexible net that only retains big fish Note: The code used in this article utilizes three custom scripts, data_cleaning, data_review, and , eda, that can be accessed through a public GitHub repository. Photo by Eric BARBEAU on UnsplashIt is like a

Uncovering the EU AI Act

The EU has moved to regulate machine learning. What does this new law mean for data scientists? Photo by Hansjörg Keller on Unsplash The EU AI Act just passed the European Parliament. You might think, “I’m not in the EU, whatever,”

Explaining ChatGPT to Anyone in <20 Minutes

Distilling the core components of generative LLMs into an accessible framework… Continue reading on Towards Data Science »

Set up a Pypi mirror in an AWS private environment with Terraform

Setting up a Pypi mirror in an AWS private environment with Terraform How do you install a Python package in your environment if you don’t have any internet access? I recently came across this issue when creating an AWS Sagemaker

Custom pre-commit hooks for safer code changes

A step-by-step guide on writing your first pre-commit hook pre-commit run results, including our Hamilton hook! Most software is developed using the git version control system to update and distribute code. One challenge of writing code collaboratively is ensuring specific standards

Exploring Location Data Using a Hexagon Grid

A comprehensive guide on how to use Uber’s H3 hexagon grid in data analysis Uber’s global H3 hexagonal grid system can be used for two purposes: first, it is a user-friendly and practical tool for spatial data analysis. Second, it can

How to Navigate AI’s Growing Social Footprint

We already live in a world shaped by powerful algorithmic systems, and our ability to navigate them effectively is, at best, shaky—very often through no fault of our own. We may want to think, like Spider-Man’s Uncle Ben, that with great