Unfolding the universe of possibilities..

Journeying through the galaxy of bits and bytes.

Stochastic Gradient Descent: Math and Python Code

Deep Dive on Stochastic Gradient Descent. Algorithm, assumptions, benefits, formula, and practical implementation Image by DALL-E-2 Introduction The image above is not just an appealing visual that drew you to this article (despite its length), but it also represents a potential

From Data Scientist to AI Developer: Lessons Building an Generative AI Web App in 2023

From Data Scientist to AI Developer: Lessons Building a Generative AI Web App in 2023 A guide of technical tips for any data science enthusiast wanting to build an AI web app serving thousands of users Source: DALLE-3 If you, like me,

Powerful Data Analysis and Plotting via Natural Language Requests by Giving LLMs Access to…

Getting LLMs to analyze and plot data for you, right in your web browser Continue reading on Towards Data Science »

Introduction to Causal Inference with Machine Learning in Python

Discover the concepts and basic methods of causal machine learning applied in Python Continue reading on Towards Data Science »

Optimizing Instance Type Selection for AI Development in Cloud Spot Markets

Instance Selection for Deep Learning — Part 2 Photo by Mike Enerio on Unsplash This post was written in collaboration with Tomer Berkovich, Yitzhak Levi, and Max Rabin. Appropriate instance selection for machine learning (ML) workloads is an important decision with potentially significant implications on

5 Steps to Transform Messy Functions into Production-Ready Code

Functions are essential in a data science project because they make the code more modular, reusable, readable, and testable. Continue reading on Towards Data Science »

The Data Speaker’s Blueprint: Turning Analytics into Applause

In this article, I’d like to share my experiences and learnings as a public speaker in the field of data science. Starting with small local meetups and eventually progressing to larger events, my journey has been filled with valuable insights.

Do European M&Ms Actually Taste Better than American M&Ms?

An overly-enthusiastic application of science and data visualization to a question we’ve all been asking An especially sweet box plot. Image by author. (Oh, I am the only one who’s been asking this question…? Hm. Well, if you have a minute, please

Why Retraining Can Be Harder Than Training

A neural network perspective on learning, unlearning and relearning Photo by Mary Blackwey on Unsplash In a rapidly changing world, humans are required to quickly adapt to a new environment. Neural networks show why this is easier said than done. Our

On Jacob Bernoulli, the Law of Large Numbers, and the Origins of the Central Limit Theorem

Public domain/Public domain/CC BY-SA 3.0/Image by Author/Public domain An exploration of the Weak Law of Large Numbers and the Central Limit Theorem through the long lens of history In my previous article, I introduced you to the Central Limit Theorem. We