Unfolding the universe of possibilities..

Navigating the waves of the web ocean

Urban Accessibility — How to Reach Defibrillators on Time

Image by the author. Urban Accessibility — How to Reach Defibrillators on Time In this piece, I combine earlier work on urban accessibility or walkability with open-source data on the location of public defibrillator devices. Additionally, I incorporate global population data and Uber’s H3

Correct Sampling Bias for Recommender Systems

What is sampling bias in recommendation, and how to correct them Continue reading on Towards Data Science »

Genius Cliques: Mapping out the Nobel Network

The network of Nobel laureates. Image by the author. Combining Network Science, Data Visualization, and Wikipedia to uncover hidden connections between all the Nobel laureates. This piece was originally published in the second issue of Nightingale, the printed magazine of the