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Best Free AI Courses to Future-Proof Your Career

It is estimated that AI will replace 300 million people’s jobs. There’s only one way to make sure that yours isn’t one of them: Learn how to use AI. Fortunately, there are lots of free resources you can use to

5 Prompt Engineering Tips for Claude

Many people have started using Claude instead of ChatGPT. Especially for content creation. You can see why… it’s just better: Claude is a completely different language model to ChatGPT. That means you’ll have to learn how to use Claude if you want to

How to Start and Grow a Podcast With AI

This article reveals the best AI tools and techniques to start and grow a podcast in 2023 The global podcasting market was valued at $18.5 billion in 2021, and it’s expected to grow to $130 billion in 2030. It might